13 Feb - 12 Mar 2010
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Our day started with an elephant ride.
Not just on land - we had a big lake to cross!
Luckily elephants are equipped with snorkels.
You can see they are needed. Look at the water mark on the elephant.
The return journey across the lake was by dugout canoe.
Afterwards we set off on our travels again.
(But first a good bowl of Pho for lunch)
Arriving late afternoon at Nha Trang on the coast.
In the morning we took a boat across the bay.
Once moored we used it as a base for snorkelling.
The water was warm.
There were plenty of plants and fish to see.
Back nearer at the mainland there were floating tanks of fish for sale.
Rides in coracles were also on offer.
Today we flew to Saigon (Ho Chi Min City)
Here we are having a Vietnamese lunch of Pho at one of the many restaurants.
The whole city is seething with motor bikes.
The day started with a long drive.
On arrival a tottering jetty enabled our transfer to our junk.
Life aboard for the next two nights had touches of elegance.
Here is our open-air dining table.
The waters swarmed with working boats.
We just got on with living a life of decadence.
During our strolls ashore we were shown honeycombs.
Then we were sat down to drink honey tea and eat fresh fruit.
One little stroll finished with us being ferried back to our sampan
by a flotilla of little boats paddled by local ladies.
Around us, all the boats had eyes.
The people on them were all very cheerful.
Everyone was working hard.
Some sights looked strange to European eyes,
By the waterside, people were getting on with their domestic chores.
Ashore, others were cooking food for sale.
We went ashore to tour around a factory.
They had kilns to fire roofing tiles.
Industry notwithstanding, there were some fine flowers to be seen.
Locals were out, four on one motor bike.
They were doing their shopping in the market.
On the water, wholesale fruit and vegetables were traded.
After our return to Saigon, our last morning in Vietnam was spent visiting the Cu Chi tunnels.
After that, Joan and I changed groups to travel to Cambodia.
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Tour Company: Explore Worldwide